Akshaya Patra (Aak-sh-ayah pa-tra) is the world’s largest NGO that provides hot, nutritious lunches at 22,000 schools across India, feeding over 2 million underprivileged children from the marginalized sections in India. With the support of our volunteers and donors, the Foundation is committed to fighting classroom hunger and supporting the right to education.
TAPF (The Akshaya Patra Foundation) Switzerland, founded in April 2020 is a not-for-profit association based in Baden. Our vision is o share and support TAPF India’s mission of ensuring that no child in India is deprived of education because of hunger. To help realize this vision, TAPF Switzerland is committed to providing financial support so that the TAPF kitchens can supply hot, nutritious, and freshly cooked meals to underprivileged school children in India, keeping them healthy and attentive.
TAPF India runs the world’s largest school meals charity, serving over 1.8 million children in India each day. The foundation started its operations in the year 2000, by serving 1500 school children and over the past 2 decades has provided more than 3 billion meals, from its 57 kitchens in over 19,000 government schools, across 12 states & 2 union territories in India. Built on a Public-Private Partnership model, TAPF has an outstanding track record of combining innovation, science, and systems to create unprecedented social impact.
President – responsible for Institution Partners, Strategy, Brand Management, Volunteers & Communications
Vice-president Corporate events sponsorships & CSR projects & individual donors
Vice-president, Cultural events, responsible for cantonal government advocacy & partnerships.
Treasurer & Vice-president Supply chain & meals
Vice-president, Foundations & Social Media
Our Mission
FED is the mission of TAPF Switzerland, which stands for:
Feed – support to provide hot, healthy & nutritious school lunches to underprivileged children in India
Educate – enable underprivileged children to receive education by keeping them in schools
Dream – by breaking the cycle of poverty for direct beneficiaries and their families
In order to achieve the mission TAPF Switzerland plans to take the following actions:
Organize fundraiser events to raise funds to help eradicate hunger in children in India
Build the TAPF brand experience by presenting at various community and corporate events
Grow and expand the volunteer network across Switzerland
On behalf of TAPF Switzerland, we thank you for your generosity and ongoing support.